Monday, September 22, 2014

Guru Hanuman Akhada wrestler Mandip fights with Jeetu pahalwan

जीतू गुरु श्यामलाल और  मंदीप गुरु हनुमान कुश्ती के मंझे खिलाडी हैं, वजीराबाद दंगल कमेटी ने दोनों के हाथ मिलकर दर्शकों को बढ़िया कुश्ती दिखाने के लिए कहा जिस पर दोनों पहलवान खरे उतरे।  कुश्ती के शुरूआती समय दोनों पहलवानो ने एक  दुसरे को परखने में लगाया।  फिर मंदीप ने अटैक लगाए , झोली बांधते हुए फिसल कर जीतू को बैठाया और फिर जाँघिया पकड़ कर  करासुल पर घुमाने की नाकाम कोशिश भी की।  इधर जीतू ने भी पट खींचने की नाकाम कोशिश भी की। 
इस प्रकार कुश्ती चलती रही।  मंदीप ने अटैक लगा खपछडे तोड़ , टंगी गेर के जीतू को लगभग चित्त कर लिया , चूँकि जीतू अखाड़े से बाहर गिरा इसलिए रेफ़री ने कुश्ती नहीं दी , जिस पर मंदीप के कोच ने ऑब्जेक्शन किया , दंगल कमिटी ने मंत्रणा की और भारी बहस के बाद ये निर्णय लिया गया की रेफ़री का निर्णय सर्वमान्य होगा।  कुश्ती फिर शुरू हुई, मंदीप ने फिर अटैक लगाया और जीतू को पीछे बैठा कर कंट्रोल किया लेकिन जीतू ने हाथ अड़ा कर आगे आ खड़ा हुआ। मुझे खेद है की  कुश्ती में कैमरा ऊपर नीचे बहुत हुआ फोटो खींचने के चक्कर में दो कैमरा  एक साथ इस्तेमाल करने पड़े।  कुश्ती आखिरी दौर में पहुंची तो अपनी चरम सीमा पर थी , समय खत्म होने के बाद भी एक - दो मिनट और दिए गए लेकिन नाकाफी रहे , कुश्ती रोक कर बराबर  घोषित  की गई , निश्चित रूप से मंदीप जीतू पर हावी रहे , लेकिन कुश्ती के पक्के जीतू को चित्त भी न  कर सके।  दोनों पहलवान इस बढ़िया कुश्ती को लड़ने के लिए प्रशंसा पात्र हैं।  

 This is a great traditional Indian wrestling match. This match is played between Jeetu Pahalwan guru Shyam Lal Akhada, Ghitorni, New Delhi and Mandeep Pahalwan Guru Hanumaan Akhada , New Delhi. It will take time  to read and  write about both the wrestlers hence,  I just put it in a few words;  These two are young, energetic, skilled and great wrestlers. When the match started it took one minute to both of them to judge each other by pushing and pulling each other  they were finding a weak sport of each other but nobody attacked. In the second minute Mandeep attacked Jeetu , and reached behind controlling him , he clutched  Jeetu's Janghia and tried Karasul but Jeetu did a snatch and freed himself , Mandeep attacked again but in vain. In the third Minute Jeetu attacked on Mandeep's legs but Mandeep freed himself. Then Mandeep caught hold of Jeetu's upper body and crossed his legs Jeetu fell down on the ground with Mandeep over him, if you see it carefully it would be a pin , had it been inside the ring, however the referee declared it out of the ring, objection were raised by Mandeep's coach and the jury decided in favour of Jeetu, The match were started again after much arguments. With cautiously both the wrestler resumed , mandeep attacked again but failed, the video sometimes goes out of frame, as I was clicking some images also with my camera, but now I do not attempt two camera together generally . from 4th to 6th minute the match was a delight to watch.  In the seventh minute Mandeep controlled Jeetu. It was more than 8 minutes when they kept on fighting , they were given a last minute but could not decide the outcome. The match was declared equal. Mandeep proved to be tough for Jeetu but could not defeat him. 


I'm a big fan of Jeetu Pahalwan. He always fights hard. I'm also a big fan of Ansuia! Thanks for all your work to bring these matches to a global audience. I'm in the U.S. I love these matches. I hope to see them in person some day. :-D

Thanx for the video

Wow these dudes are hot!

thanks for posting -great match-well matched in strength & skill.

thanks Deepak, for all the trouble you take to post these videos. Everything is highly appreciated and we enjoy the wrestling matches very much. Keep up the good work, Maybe one day i'll come to Delhi and join you in a visit to an akhara. I am also a sportsman, artist and film maker. My name is Lloyd and i teach in a design college in Bangalore.

Thanks for commnts, Your welcome, lloyd, i will be more than happy to meet you,

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